Saturday, 22 September 2012

Mini scones

I have made this mini scones for a brunch we had last week with some friends. The recept comes from gnoe's blog, but I dind'use sugar so the scones could be eaten also with the ham and cheese mousse I had made. I had also a really few poppy seed, so it is quite difficult ti see them, but thery are :-) . Off course, I have made the dough using my Kenwood cookling Chef
Ho preparato questi mini scones per un brunch insieme a degli amici. Ho usato la ricetta presa dal blog di gnoe, senza zucchero in modo da poterli mangiare anche con farciture salate (ho preparato una mousse al prosciutto usando ricotta e prosciutto cotti frullati con sale, pepe ed erba cipollina). Logicamente ho usato il mio Kenwood cookling Chef per l'impasto :-)


  1. Did you like them? I'm jealous of your Kenwood - I need some new kitchen appliances but don't have much room :\

  2. Nice that you left a comment, Gno :-). Every one loved them, and I have freezed the leftovers which where perfect for my bento. by the way, I followed also you suggestion to how to make an hangop with the leftover of the buttermilk, since I don't drink any milk. I am so happy with my Kenwood, I must say that it makes everything so easy, you save a lot of time, it makes a dough, I chop the vegetables for the filling of the quiche, or I do something else. I have used it also to prepare handmade bolognese sauce, of cubes for broth (I will post the recipe soon)
